
What tide-inducing celestial entity orbits the earth (Some thought it was made of cheese)?

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What tide-inducing celestial entity orbits the earth (Some thought it was made of cheese)?




  1. MOON!.....

    Yeah, some thought it was made of cheese Neil Armstrong and the other guys proved that wrong long time ago.

  2. duh

  3. Its called the moon.

  4. ahhh da moon?

  5. I was going to say the Moon, but the cheese part threw me off, since no one actually thought it was made of cheese.

    The cheese thing came from an expression by which English peasant's education (or lack thereof) was being described:  If you told them the Moon was made of Cheese, they would believe you.

    The saying became so popular that it was repeated by many authors, with some of them shortening it to: The peasants believed that the Moon is made of cheese.

    The same way that 19th century authors created the image that people used to think the Earth was flat (false: even the Babylonians, 3000 years ago, knew it was not).

    However, the original saying said nothing about the peasants actually believing it.  It was only an image to describe how one could get them to believe any lie.

    Reminds me of North America in the 21st century.

  6. An Easy-Squeezy answer, huh?  Could it possibly be the moon?  I know answering a question with a question isn't good, however, the way you formed your question causes me to ask----The "cheese" thing almost thru me off----however, the "tide-inducing" thing put me "on" again, so----

    I thought Raymond's answer was interesting, cause I learned something I didn't know---however leave it to the "French" to start something, lol

  7. the moon

  8. The International Cheese Station.


  9. it's the International Cheddar Satellite with a crew of cream crackers.

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