
What time can i see the Aug. 1, 2008 Solar Eclipse that is coming soon? i dont think iv ever seen one before!?

by  |  earlier

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i live in New york if that helps




  1. I'm afraid the eclipse won't be visible from where you live. The only place in the U.S. from where it will be visible is northern Maine and even there it will only be seen as a tiny partial eclipse for a few minutes at sunrise.

  2. No, closest to the US will be in Canada.  From another q/a, someone said they might be able to see it in Michigan.  I'm in Chicago, and I can't find anything saying if we will be able to see anything.

    Where in NY?  Depending on where, you might see a partial.  Link above shows path.

    Where's Malta?!?  I don't think you're far enough north, unless you want to take a drive!  It starts at sunrise in Canada.  You can see it Quebec at 9:27 (from what I can figure from the charts).

    Time table:

  3. you wont be able to see it. sorry

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