
What time consuming things can I do by myself?

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something i can do without driving!!!plz make a list and come up with very creative things to do! thnx...also even something i can do for a couple hours...anything i just really need some ideas because i usually sit at the comp or tv being bored to death!!! thnx so much!




  1. watch

  2. Make a website with your photos.

    Get good at tweaking your photos in photoshop or similar software.  That takes LOTS of time.

    Take up a musical instrument.  Dont you have a keyboard?  You can get a pretty good one for under $100.

  3. i learned how to solve the rubix cube in my spare time.

    it took me 3 days, none stop.

    so thats a possibility ;p

  4. paint your nails

    write a song

    paint a picture

  5. clean the house,mow the lawn. When you got through with that start all over...

  6. well if you're into pampering I would suggest some you-time in front of mirror! Have you ever made home-made beauty products? The positive of doing this is that you know where everything comes from and that it is 100% natural. I would suggest hair mask and face mask first.. then you can move onto a body scrub. Best thing to do is search online for recipes - it will be easy and not expensive if you have these things in your cupboard/fridge at home already.

    Secondly, if you like cooking I suggest you get baking! When bored I usually do the same and it becomes a very creative process if you allow it too.. I also find that it relieves stress. Just make sure you use exact measurements as recipes won't turn out the way they should if you don't. Enjoy!

  7. Get friends.

  8. Maddog, there are a bazillion things to do instead.

    Read. Alternate literature with entertainment, and you'll be placing yourself ahead on your education.

    Write, if you're so inclined.

    Go for a walk, run, or swim.

    Start a family genealogy chart.

    Plant a small flower garden. It's not too late if you start with plants rather than seeds.

    Paint your bedroom, or some other room.

    Organize your closet and dresser. If you haven't worn or used it in two years, donate it. (Keepsakes excluded.)

    Teach yourself to sew. Start with something other than clothes, like tote bags, pillow cases, a floor pillow, beanbags, a patchwork throw, etc. (Making stuff fit your body is hard.)

    Decoupage a notebook, a wooden box, a curbside-find wooden chair.

    Try any craft you've never done. Visit (not .com) for a zillion ideas and tutorials.

    Play with your dog or cat.

    List every movie you've ever seen. (This is kind of fun once your whole family gets involved.)

    Check the TV listings for old movies and watch one every week that's rated at least 3 stars. Who knew they made great movies before your parents were born!

    Figure out the names of the character actors you see on TV and in movies all the time. Find one image of them and learn who's who so you'll never say, "That guy!" again.

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