
What time did the Babba apper in frong of the Monoceraptor?

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The Monoceraptor was walking down a path one day when a Babaa appeared in front of it at exactly 8:06 AM.

The next day, the Monoceraptor was walking down the same path, and the Babaa appeared in front of it at 6:03 PM.

The next day, the same thing happened at 11:05 AM.

The next three days were at 3:09 PM, 5:05 AM, and 4:01 AM.

What time did the Babaa appear in front of the Monoceraptor on the seventh day? Submit your answer in the exact same time format as above. For example, if it occured at 9:15 in the evening, you would submit 9:15 PM. Do not include any extra information other than your answer....




  1. 7:09 PM

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