
What time did you set your childs first birthday to start at?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, this may be a weird question but I was going to set it for noon as I am ordering pizza so I thought lunch time is good. But there will be some other young children around the same age and I am worried it will clash with naps and their meal times.. Help. What did you do?




  1. you should always have a party for little ones after their nap times :) so i would ask the mothers what time nap time is and plan for a good time for everyone  

  2. What I did was set the party to begin about 30 minutes after my daughter would wake up from her nap.  It worked out perfectly and we all had a wonderful time.  Good luck.

  3. ask the parents what time nap time is and work around that. or start at noon play for a whild let all the babies nap then when they wake order pizza and have fun...  

  4. I had my daughter's party at 3. I got her up earlier than normal that day so she would take an early nap before everyone got there. She woke up about 30 minutes before the party started and was in a great mood.Having it later in the day also gave me enough time to get everything ready.

  5. I am planning my babies birthday too...I'm not sure but I am planning it for 1pm ....I think it should be fine

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