
What time do hotel room cleaners usually start?

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I'm staying in a London hotel for a few days and it's my first time without parents/company, what time do hotel room cleaners usually show up in the morning? I usually wake up late 11am-ish.




  1. Just put a do not disturb sign on the door. They will come at your convenience.

  2. 8am is the usual starting time for cleaners (except in hotels around London's airports where they begin even earlier.)

    But you can ask the reception staff to warn the cleaners you're having a lie-in, as well as hanging out the 'do not disturb' sign.

    Once you are up and ready, though, just let them know at reception, or tell the cleaners themselves if you pass them in the hallway.  

    DON'T hang the 'please clean my room' sign out.This is just an advert to any thief looking for rooms whose owners aren't around.

    Have a great time here -- love from a Londoner born and bred.


  3. they tend to start early around 8 but you can always put a do not disturb notice on your door

  4. depends where you are but best thing to do is ask reception

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