
What time do most of u go to bed?

by  |  earlier

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because i think that i am a little old to go to bed at 9:00




  1. Well, that depends on how old you actually are. My 6 year old also believes that he is too old to be going to bed at his bed time.

    I would suggest that you do some research on line to find out what doctors recommend for a person your age to sleep each night. When you figure that out, think about what time you have to get up to get ready in the morning and count backwards the number of hours you have to sleep...that should be a good estimate for your bed time. Although your parents know you best and maybe they realize that if you stay up that extra 30 minutes or an hour you are a t**d the next morning.

    Nobody likes a t**d.

    Good luck!

    Oh yeah, I'm a 27 year old mother of two and I go to bed at 10:30 pm to be up at 5:50 am. My 6 year old goes to bed between 7:30 or 8:00 pm because the doctors recommend that for his age group he get between 10 and 11 hours of sleep each night. He also gets up at 6 am.

  2. It depends of the day

  3. I'm 28...i go to bed between the times of 11-2am.  

  4. Lets see. My daughter(the actual toddler) goes to bed at 730. I had to be in bed at 9 pm or 930 in summer until I was 15 and had a full time job as well as my high school responsibilies(yea, I worked at a restaurant with my mom, so I got a lot of hours I wasn't supposed to). Until I was 18 and graduated I had to be in when the streetlights came on, although I was allowed to go stay at friends houses on weekends if I wasn't working. Now I'm all grown up and living with my significant other and raising our daughter, so I go to bed at 2 am and am up no later than 10, most days. Luckily my toddler likes to sleep in.  

  5. i got ot bed at 8:30 becasue i absolutely LOVE sleeping

  6. well how old are you?

    when i was in grade 7 i had to go to bed at 8:30, then read till 9. then i could have one night a week where i stayed up till 9 watching tv.

    in grade 8 it was 9

    grade 9-now (11) i go to bed at ten, just because i need my sleep for school, getting up at 6.

    on weekends, its usually 11, but thats my own choice

  7. i go 2 bed at 10 or 11 pm weekdays, weekend i stay up till like 3am averagely may b sooner or later.

  8. When I can't keep my eyes open any longer...  I'm a single mama and work full time and there just isn't enough time in the day to get all I need done...

    Coincidentally, there's not enough time in the night get enough sleep!! :)

  9. Well i am 29 years old so I usually don't get to bed until 1 am sometimes because when my boys fall asleep at 9 I like to take some time for myself.  

  10. once you're older you need more sleep

  11. If I have to get up early then obviously I would try to hit the sack around 10pm.  So don't feel bad, my kids father is sleeping by 8:30.

  12. im 14 -When im tired, usually around 11-1

  13. my children go to bed between 8 and 9. you need to make sure your kids are getting the recommended amount of sleep they are supposed to and then whatever time they have to get up, go back that amount of hours and then it is bedtime.

  14. well during the school year 11, and summer anytime from 1 am to like 3.

  15. I am 21 and I go to sleep at 10pm.

  16. i'm 16 and i have no rules about when to go to bed. in the sumer i stay up until 1 or later on most ays. during the school yr i force myself to go to sleep between 10 and 11 becuase i wake up a 6. going to bed at 9 is kind of early but think about what time u wake up and consider how much rest ur body needs.

  17. geez. I go to bed at like midnight

  18. i have to go to bed at 10:00 & every year it goes one hour upp :)

    A long time ago i was aloud to go to bed anytime i wanted too.

  19. i go to bed at 12 or 1. unless im really tired, than anytime after ten.  im still in high school, so when school starts again, i'll probably go to bed at 11 on the weekdays.

  20. err... i havne't had a bed time since i was like 8

    this summer usually anywhere from 12 - 1

  21. Whenever I feel like it.....gosh!!!!  

  22. I'm 26 and usually go to bed at 10 or 11 pm.

  23. My son goes down at 8 and my husband and I are in bed at 10 for the news and then 10:30 we turn off the tv and go to sleep.

  24. during the school year, i go to sleep at 10-11. in the summer, i usually sleep anywhere from 11-3

  25. my son is 11, his bedtime during school is 10 P,M, but we live across the street from his school, so he can sleep later in a little later than most school kids

  26. If you can cultivate/maintain the habit of  going to bed early and getting up fresh and early the next day, then it is terrific.

    I cannot sleep on most days because of the demons that haunt and roam my mind that make me seriously depressed and I wish I had cultivated the habit of sleeping at a descent hour.

  27. 10:00 p.m. its a good time

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