
What time do people eat dinner in chile?

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What time do people eat dinner in chile?




  1. In my experience here in Chile, the last meal of the day tends to be later in the evening, usually after 6 or 7 pm. Part of that has to do with the fact that the work day in Chile is, on average, longer than other countries in Latin America. The average work day is 9-10 hours a day here so most people don't arrive home until after 6 pm. The day also tends to begin later here though too. In Santiago, the city doesn't really start to come to life until 8:30 or 9 am.

    It is true that if you have guests come for dinner that it can last until the wee hours of the morning but that is not the norm everyday. Normally, the large meal of the day is lunch and then the last meal of the day, called "cena" is a light meal that includes bread, some kind of sandwich meats, cheese and avocado taken with some tea or coffee.

  2. It is customary, when with guests, to eat very late dinners, and these will go to early hours in the morning, sometimes going until breakfast!  If you don't have guests, whenever you feel like eating is fine.  It is like this all over South America.

  3. Anytime after 6 p.m., or when they feel like it.

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