
What time do you get your kids down to bed?

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and do they sleep through the night?




  1. My four year old son goes to bed at 8 and sleep all night long. But he has been waking up during the night and joins me and goes back to sleep. I think it tonsils has been bothering him I think would be the reason. Then my 6 year old goes to bed at 9. At times he has nightmares..

  2. 8pm and yes they do

  3. My eldest is 20 and she goes to bed about 12 because she has to get up early for work

    My middle daughter is 18, she goes to bed whenever she gets bored of Gaia or MSN (usually about 4am)

    My youngest is 15, she goes about 10.30 when in school and between 11 and 1 during holidays!!!



  4. My son will be 9 in August and he goes to bed at 8:30. I get him up at 7am...

  5. My daughter is 10 months and she goes to bed between 7 and 8 p.m. Sometimes she sleeps through the night, usually waking around 6 a.m. But sometimes she still wakes up around 2 a.m.

  6. all my kids, 4, 2, and 9 month all go to bed at 6pm and play in their rooms until 7 and sleep all nite until 7/8am. but hearingother peoples times i feel like cruella da ville so think i will change their times til 7.30! what an eye opener! x

  7. My boys are 4 and 2 and go to bed around 7.30 ish. My 2 year old sometimes wakes up for a toilet or asking for juice but gets himself strait back into bed and off to sleep. My 4 year old sleeps strait through the night and they wake up about 7.30 am.

  8. In bed by 8:00, sleeping by 8:30.  They usually sleep till 6:30am.  You have to be consistent though,  my kids have always went to bed by 8:00 since they were approx. 1 year old, so they're use to it.

  9. My daughter is 3 1/2. She goes to bed at about 9:00pm and sleeps through the night. She usually wakes up around 8:00am, unless she has pre-school, then I get her up at about 7:00am.

  10. I have a 9, 5, and 3 year old, they all are asleep by 830 and they don't wake up until I get them up around 7am.

  11. 8 and yes ,most nights

  12. Most of the time my son goes to bed at 8 or 9 oclock. It depends on how settled he is though.

    The earlier he goes to bed the more likely he is to wake up through the night. He sometimes goes to bed later if we've been visiting friends or something and thats when he tends to sleep all night.

  13. i start putting my 2 1/2 year old down for bed at 8:00 and after hugs and kisses and a couple of stories she's asleep by 8:45. and my 4 month old goes to bed for the night about 9:15-9:30.

    my oldest wakes up once or twice looking for me. and my youngest wakes up once to eat.

  14. 7.30 and he always sleeps right thru till 8. Im so lucky my son asks if he can go to bed early and im like no you have to stay up until 7.30. Lol, strange child! (He's three and a half)

  15. She's 3, we put her down at around 8:30pm, after about 10 minutes of her getting in and out of bed she finally stays in bed and usually is asleep by 9:30pm and yes she sleeps through the night.

  16. 6 year old:

    During School:

    Bedtime routine: 8:15PM

    Bedtime: 8:45PM

    During the Summer:

    Bedtime Routine: 8:40PM

    Bedtime: 9:00PM

    2 year old:

    Bedtime Routine: 7:45PM

    Bedtime: 8:15PM

  17. my children are aged 5 and 4 and go to bed at the 5 year old sleeps all night but my 4 year old wakes a few times through the night to get a drink.

  18. my daughter, almost 3 goes to bed at 8 pm wakes about 7am ish, and has done since she was 6 mths old, my 6 mth old son goes down about 8.30pm sleep til 4am wants dummy and then goes back off til 6.30am ish.

  19. When there is school the next day my 4 year old and 9 year old go to bed at 8:30 and during week ends or summer vacation its 9:00 or 9:30. Except for the occasianal dream or bath room break they sleep through the night.

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