
What time do you go to sleep during the summer?! {really easy}?

by  |  earlier

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From ages 11 to 15 please... My parents make me sleep SOOO early on summer days, they make me sleep at 12:00 SHARP, and i have never gotten to stay up to even 1:00, i'm 14 years old and being treated lyk a little kid... UGH, anyways, so i just wanted to see what time you guys sleep, i'm trying to get as many ppl as possible, and plz can you list your age as well?! thank you...




  1.  Well at summer it is the perfect time to go to sleep that is why your mama has set this time for you.

    When you go to bed at 12 then you are more then fresh on the other day because in summer you need to sleep bit extra then the winter. 

    And on the next day you feel quite relaxed and you can easily pass on through whole of the day with out any sort of tiredness.


  2. i go to bed when ever i want on summer days...last summer i pulled all nighters playing video games and watching zombie movies. lol that was the fun days. but this summer, im going to fix up and go to bed at a reasonable hour. i mean sure, its okay to go to bed at like 7 in the morning some days and wake up at 6 in the after noon or soome sh*t. but anyway, when i was 14 i was allowed to go to bed when ever i wanted. stil am. so...tell ur parents to let u go to bed by at least 2 or 3 during summer, cus thats just wrong.

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