
What time do you have dinner???

by  |  earlier

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Because of our schedules my family of four has dinner around eight do you think this is to late?




  1. Between 6 and 7

  2. 5:43 pm.

  3. Where I come from we have Breakfast,  dinner & Supper. Dinner is around noon or 1 p.m., Supper is around 6 p.m.

  4. whenever i want

  5. ROughly around 6:30 p.M.~

    hOPE i helped~


  6. i eat dinner at 330 because i gotta work

  7. Traditionally, people ate supper at about 8 pm.  My family usually eats dinner between 6.30-7.30pm.  For those who have tea at 4-5pm, 8pm for dinner is reasonable.

  8. I'm a college student with a different schedule every day, so sometimes I eat as early as 4:30, sometimes as late a 8 o'clock. I kind of hate the strange wonky schedule that you have to have in college. You never really feel settled in the things you do because it changes daily.

  9. didnt have any

  10. 6:00 why?

  11. If I'm at work (late shift) the cafeteria closes at 6.30 pm. so i have to eat before that. If I'm at home, 7pm-ish, later on days off  or if we had a late lunch. I think 8pm on weekdays is a little late, unless you are used to also going to bed later...? Going straight to bed after eating is bad for digestion.

  12. 5:30-6:00

  13. y wood u wanna know wat time ppl hav dinner?? random much... lol jks i hav dinner round 630-7:30 pm

  14. 4-7pm

  15. Between 7 and 7:30.

  16. about 5:00 PM yes it is to laght.

  17. 6:30 or 7

  18. 4:00 pm

  19. any time 4:00 to 8:00

  20. when I get hungry but usually before 6:00 p.m. I don't like to eat late.

  21. There are no rules about this, and in much of Europe people eat dinner late.  I usually eat between six and seven because otherwise, I'm so hungry that I start snacking, which seems counterproductive, OR, I'm too full after eating late to sleep comfortably.  But if neither of these things are issues for your family, follow your own schedule.

  22. 5:30 or so.. to 8:00 or so.

  23. 5:15 PM

  24. When ever we get hungry.

  25. Usually 4pm-5pm

  26. Anytime between 5:00 to 8:00.

  27. No, not at family ate at 10pm all of my childhood and it didn't seem to be a problem for me or my siblings.

  28. it's different everytime,sometimes it's at 5,sometimes at 6,or 7

  29. Depends.  On nights I cook, my husband gets home late, and dinner is at 6:15.  If my husband has off, and I work late,  and he cooks dinner and we eat at 5:15.

  30. It is a bit late.

    I usually have my dinner between 5-7 pm.

    I don't always get to eat with my family, due to the fact that we're always busy too.

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