
What time do you think I could get in Cross Country this fall? (5k)?

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The last time I ran a 5k for time was last November (21 minutes). I just recently ran 5 miles in 38:24.




  1. It is really impossible to tell from that. I would recommend that you keep running 3-5 miles a day at a somewhat fast pace, then one day a week run a LSD(long slow distance run) which should be about 7-10 miles and be about half speed. Do this and you should be able to run a great time in cross country. Good luck.

  2. it would really depend on the work you put in now to the fall

    33 sounds like a good time

    if you are in a xc season sort of thing, id suggest just working on your mileage over the summer

    if you really get in shape (you ran that 21 min just last year), you could blast that 33 right out of the water

  3. I'm sorry, but you haven't provided enough information for me to give you a definite answer.  There are just too many variables.  Were you in shape then?  Have you run consistently since?  What's your mile pace?  How recent is "recently"?  How hard were you running that time?

    if i had to guess, i would say you could run a 24:30 or faster 5k.  However, i don't believe that is very accurate at all...

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