
What time do you usually go out when you go to bars and clubs??

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What time do you usually go out when you go to bars and clubs??




  1. i go early around 5 or 6. i hate night clubs. i only go to bars

  2. 11-11:30 clubs here don't close until 6 or 8 in the morning

    And bars don't close

  3. 11:30 but im always trying to messed up before i go out. It's such a great felling to be drunk i wish i was right now.

  4. 11

  5. Brighton UK, about 10pm seems to be good time to start.

  6. 10 -11 here in San Antonio, Texas

    We usually all meet at someones house first and have a couple of drinks first.

  7. most go out around ten but alot take advantage of happy hours from 4-7 pm and if you are driving keep in mind that cops also know what time people got to drink and when they leave so be careful

    some cops hang out at clubs and wait for you to leave in car

    so dont drink and drive call a cab

    enjoy the night though

  8. Between 8-9pm and we leave whenever they close most of the time they close at 2am but sometimes 4am

  9. 10:30 or 11, depends how bad my day was

  10. 11 or 12 is good no clubbing though I chill at the bar

  11. like around ten or eleven

  12. about 9:30 or 10

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