
What time do you wake up in the morning?

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What time do you wake up and when does school/work start for you?

I'm trying to get ideas for a story I'm writing.




  1. Well usually I get upat different times it usually depends when you go to bed but I usually get up around 7:00. Hope this helps.

  2. Two hours before i'm due to be somewhere

    or.. 11/12pm .. whichever comes first lol

  3. I get up at 5:00 a.m., write in my story for an hour and a half, get ready then catch the school bus. (Or get ready then write, depends on how tired I am.)

    I start my school work right after I get home at, about, 3:00.

  4. i get up at 5:00am because i need to catch the bus and it comes at 5:15 and school starts at 7:00am

    and my bff gets up when ever she feels like it!! YEA!!

  5. In the summer I wake up at 11:00.

    When school starts up again I get up at 6:30. (So I have enough time to take a shower, eat breakfast, make lunch, and walk to school) School starts at 8:00 for me and ends at 3:04.

    Good luck on the story.

    Love always,


  6. The alarm is set for 5:45 am. I have to be at work by 8:00, with a 30-35 minute commute. I like to spend some time watching the news and drinking a cup of tea before I have to get ready.

    I live on the edge of a time zone, so I am actually getting up at 4:45 am local time.  

  7. 7:30 for work

  8. On days that I'm working I wake up at 6:30 if I decide to take the train, or 7 if I drive in

    When I'm not working, it depends. If I'm up late I'll sleep until like 12, or I'll get up at 8 for a run depending on my mood.

  9. During summer I wake up whenever. During the school year I get up at 5:30 and school starts at 7:40. That's only because I moved out of district, so I have to go somewhere to catch the bus, meaning I have to leave when my mom does (6:00). Before I moved, I got up around 6:30.

  10. I get up at 6am work starts at 9am.

  11. I wake up 7:30am to be at work by 9:30am.  

  12. In the summer, around 10:30. For work, 8 in the morning. If I have school I'd wake up at 7. Good luck on your story. ^^

  13. I have to wake up at 5:30 AM - but that's just because I wake up extremely slowly, and can't really eat right when I get up. School starts 7:35 on Monday through Friday, except for Wednesday (then it's 7:53). It ends at 2:20, I believe. Hope I was able to help!

  14. well, now it's holiday so I wake up at noon

    but when I have school in that day I wake up at 8:00-9:00

    I start the school at 12:30

  15. 7:30am every morning and in to work by 8:15am.

  16. I wake up at 6:45

  17. I wake up at 6:45 for school and my school starts at 7:35

  18. I am a night worker so just coming home in the morning but on my nights off I get up around 9am.

  19. well i wake up at 7:00am for school hope this helps

  20. 5:30.  I work 7-3 Monday to Friday.

  21. I wake up at 6:00 and school starts at 7:30

  22. I wake up at 7:00 also for school, and my school starts at 8:20am, and ends at 2:45pm.

    But the new school I'm going to this year i will wake up at the same time, but leave for school at 7:45, because school starts at 8:05, and ends at 3:00.

    i hope you have fun writing your story

  23. I wake up around seven but go to work around 10.

  24. 6am on the button.

  25. I wake up at 5:30(I got to wake up my siblings, my mom works would be at work) on school days, the bus comes around starts at 7 something.

    Non-school days, depends on  how long I stayed up the night before. :P


  26. i wake up at 8.00am. school start at 10.00pm

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