
What time does Burger King start serving breakfast?

by  |  earlier

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Cause dude, I'm hungry!




  1. When they open. Different restaurants open at different times.

  2. In Australia, where Burger King is a different name; Hungry Jack's, breakfast starts at 6am

  3. at about9

  4. 7 o'clock in the morning

  5. 7am

  6. half past dead

  7. 6am

  8. I think around 6AM or 7AM that's normally what time

  9. Six 'o clock in the morning.

  10. i went to Burger King at breakfast, in Brooklyn. I didn't get to order, instead someone go stabbed, and i couldn't bear to eat after that!

  11. Ew, burger for breakfast? Go to Woolworths or something.

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