
What time does FedEx deliver until?

by  |  earlier

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Yeah lol.

Barnes and Nobles screwed me over pretty bad.

they PROMISED it'd be here yesterday or today & im just wondering if it could stil come?




  1. Still waiting for Breaking Dawn?  I'de say untill 5:30.

    EDIT: I know, me too. That's why I guessed. Whenever I pre-ordered other books from there they came like, the release day. Im sad :(

  2. when did you place the order?  who promised you a customer service rep?

    mind you if you place order say after 5pm they first have to

    send the order to warehouse they have package the book then wait for

    the courier to pick up that days shipment

    do you have a tracking number that will tell you a lot  

  3. It depends what FedEx it is; ground or express? Usually companies like this one would use express. The best thing to do is call the number on the bn website or on a receipt that you either printed or got emailed and look or ask for the tracking number. it depends when you ordered the book and at what time of day. typically companies like this one would use service called "express saver," lets say you ordered it at 8 am on monday, you should expect to get it on thursday.

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