
What time does it get dark in Rome, Florence, Milan, Venice Italy in May-June?

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What time does it get dark in Rome, Florence, Milan, Venice Italy in May-June?




  1. Same as in the rest of Europe - around 8,9 p.m. or later.

  2. Around 10 to 10.30.

  3. I live in Rome, and last night I was walking home around 9 PM. The sun had already set, but you could see still a bit of light in the sky in the west. The planets had just come out. I can only imagine that it will be light even later in the closer we get to June 21.

    I hope this gives you an idea of what to expect.

  4. i live in milan and yesterday at 9pm there was still a bit of light..there ll be always more getting closer to june 21st

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