
What time does it get light and dark at the equator?

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I like the way we have long days in the summer in England, where it isn't dark until about 10.30pm and it really slowly gets dark and it starts to get light about 3.30am, but I was wondering what time it starts to get dark and light in places where it's the same all year, in the equator?




  1. Dont know but it never gets dark in alaska

  2. At the equator, sunrise is always at 6am and sunset is always at 6pm - so it is dark from shortly after 6pm until shortly before 6am.

  3. The length of twilight at the equator is 21 minutes (civil twilight, defined as the period when the sun is below the horizon, but not more than six degrees below). If the standard time and 'real time' are synchronized, this corresponds to daylight extending from 5:39 am to 6:21 pm, including twilight. Since it rarely is synchronized, you have to adjust for that, depending on location within time zone. For example, if a place follows standard time that is half an hour ahead of its natural time, daylight would be from 6:09 am to 6:51 pm.

  4. the northern hemisphere is the opposite of the southern hemisphere

    it depends what season it is

  5. It does not vary as much through the year at the Equator as it does for locations further north or south.  I would need a specific location on the Equator to determine sunrise/sunset times, but for example in Quito, the earliest sunrise of the year is at 05:54 A.M. local time while the latest sunrise is at 06:25 A.M. local time.  Their latest sunset is at 6:32 P.M. while the earliest sunset is at 6:01 PM.  Not much variance through the year.

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