
What time does my Habbo Ban Expire ?

by  |  earlier

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I got banned of habbo... long story

it says * The ban will expire at 1/21/20 8:10 PM Eastern Time.

i dont understand the day or time. ... any help




  1. it means youll get unbanned on jan. 21th 2020 ik it sucks i get banned all the time like when the dude hacked habbo

  2. January 21, 8:10

  3. why were you banned in the first place!?

  4. What's not to understand? It's so simple, you get unbanned in 2020. You could always rejoin, they don't actually ban IPs. Why not go close the pool?

  5. it will expire on january 21st of 2020 at 8:10 pm

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