
What time does you school start and end?

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What time does you school start and end?

What grade are you in and where do you live?

Mine is 7:30-2:35. But in spring I have practice so its till 6:00 or 5:00.




  1. 7:30am-2:15pm but I have an internship at my old elementary school until 4:00pm


    Baltimore, MD

  2. my school will start as of 7:30 til 1:50 as of this year! it sucks

    i start 7th grade in orlando,florida

  3. 740-235

    12th grade, michigan

  4. Depends on when I have class, but this semester it's 10 to 2 I think.

  5. normally it depends on the day. but for the fall 1st class starts 9:00 and the last class is like 4:00 and somtimes 5:30.

    in college. 1st yr. ...........New York  

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