
What time does your baby go to bed and wake up

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and do they wake up through the night. also how old is your baby




  1. From birth to 3 weeks old, my daughter slept  from 7 - 11pm 12- 4am 5- 8am.

    From 3 weeks to 6 months ish she slept from 7pm to 5am

    From 6 months to 21 months,(now) she sleeps 7pm to 7am.  She sometimes wakes for a drink at about 11pm, but nothing more.  

  2. I have a 7 year old who goes to bed at 7:45& wakes up at 8:00 for daycare. He dosen't wake up in the middle of the night, unless she has a nightmare.

    Then I have a 2 year old who falls asleep around 6:00 & wakes up about 5 times through the night.

    And I am expecting my 3rd in december.

  3. My baby is five months old and sleeps through the night, from 7 or 8 p.m. to 6 or 7 p.m. Lately she wakes up earlier, since she just learned to roll over and seems to move around more in bed. But we leave her alone until 6:30 or so, since she doesn't mind. She started sleeping through the night after we did sleep training (letting her "cry it out" at night until she learned to soothe herself to sleep).

  4. My baby is six months old and was three months premature she goes to sleep about 10 and wakes up about 5 will wake up a couple of times a night.  

  5. well normally he will not fall asleep til about 2 in the morning and wake up about 7 or 8 in the morning but today he just fell asleep about 10 minutes ago and its 10 17 now but of course he will wake up he is 8 months old

  6. My son in 8 months old and for over 2 months now he's slept completely through the night.  We worked really hard to get him on a good schedule.  He goes down around 8:30 and he wakes up between 6:30 and 7 in the morning.

  7. My son is 7 months old. HE goes to bed at 7:30 pm and gets up at 7:30 am

  8. My son is 6 months old. Ever since he was about a month old he's slept through the night. since he's been in his own room, in his own crib, he's sort of made up his own schedule, going to sleep at about 10 pm, and sleeping until  about 9 am. Then he has a diaper change and a bottle and goes  right back to sleep until about 10:30.

    I'm a stay at home mom, so this schedule works for me, and since he made it up himself i guess it works for him too. He's always been a unusually easy baby. and he HUGE for his age, which I think may have something to do with the fact that he sleeps so well .

    To get him to sleep on a night that he's restless... We give him Dinner, a nice warm bath, a lotioned massage, and then a bottle in the rocking chair. Works everytime

  9. We lucked out and have a 6-week old who goes to bed at 10pm and wakes up at 6am; just like her Dad :)

    Get the book called: "Babywise" - it teaches you how to get on a routine that will help him/her sleep through the night.

  10. My daughter is 10.5mnths and since 8wks she has slept thru all night and not woke up (some nights when teething she has but its very rare) She has her last feed at 8pm and goes to sleep from 9-10pm sometimes earlier and she wakes at 9am...Not bad i think i got it good.

  11. My 6 month old son goes to sleep around 9:30pm and gets up about 7:00am.  This has been the pattern for about the last month or so.  He usually doesn't wake up any during the night but if he does it's around 3:00 or 4:00.

  12. My son is 3 months old (2 months premature so adjusted age is 1 month) .  He goes to bed at 10pm, wakes up at about 3am for a bottle and goes back to bed until about 7-8am for another bottle.  He stays awake for about an hour or 2 then takes a 2 hour nap.

  13. my 4 week old baby goes to sleep at 9 and wakes up at 5 to eat then goes back to sleep till 10

  14. my 5.5 month old goes to bed around 7:30-8:00 and usually sleeps until around 6:00.  He usually sleeps through the night but will wake up every once in a while around 3:00.  He also usually nurses and goes back to sleep until around 7:00-7:30.  So I guess he sleeps about 8-10 hours straight through and 12 hours total.

  15. My 11 month old son goes to bed at 7:30pm and wakes up between 7:30am and 9:30am.

    Right now he is waking up once a night to get a drink of water, but when he is teething he wakes up 2 to 6 times.

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