
What time does your off-peak electricity tariff apply?

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My electricity supplier's off-peak rates are from 2230 to 0030 and again from 0230 to 0730 local time. Unfortunately, I can't find an immersion heater timer switch that can cope with that.




  1. If you go to bed normal time times and get up for work or so

    then you only need the time switch to come on around 6AM to go off 730 and if you want to use during the day then you override the timer.YOu would not need it 10 30 -0230 .

    The times really are for storage central heating rads.If your immersion is not a plug in you would have to get someone to change the spur socket for a 13amp socket

  2. Try coping with no electrical, I've been living by candlelight for months now, thanks to a certain someone that  forgot to pay the bill.

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