
What time does your toddler go to bed?

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Do you have a set bed time or do you let them stay up late some nights? Also how long does it take for them to fall asleep?




  1. my two year old goes to bed at different times as of right now its 1024 where im at and she keeps getting out of her bed to come in her with me. most of the time its between 9 and 10. it can take her up to two hours to fall asleep

  2. 8PM

  3. I know this probably isnt the best answer but my 2 yr. old and 1 yr. old go until they fall. I put my son in bed at around 8:30 (he is 5 and in school), so in order for him to sleep I have to keep the other two out of the room with him.  So I let them stay up while I do all the things I need to get done, and when I lay down they come with me.

  4. 7pm. 7:30pm latest, if for some reason I can't get her to bed on time. She is 15 months.

    People always tell me that I am so mean, that's way too early, but it isn't. She needs to go to bed at that time to get enough sleep. She wakes up between 6 and 7am, no fail. I get told "well, if you put her to bed later, she will just sleep later". Nope. No matter what time I put her to bed, she will wake up at the same time every day, and if I put her to bed anytime later, she will be a terror the whole day, even after her nap.

    So, even though I have just about everybody telling me that I am wrong and/or mean for putting my 15 month old (!!) to bed at 7-7:30, I know that I am neither wrong nor mean. I am doing what I know is best for my child so she can get enough sleep. That's what matters, right? Ask your doctor how much sleep is typically needed for your child's age group. When they go to  bed isn't important, as long as they get enough sleep.

    As for how long it takes... it varies. The later she is kept awake, the longer it takes for her to fall asleep. If she is on time, it can take only 5-10 minutes (unless, for example, she needs to p**p or is teething)

  5. My 2 and a half year old goes to bed around 8-8.30pm. I used to get put to bed at 7.30pm til I was about 8 years old so I feel like we let her stay up a bit late, but she sleeps 2 hours during the day

  6. 8 pm

    At 6 years old you add 15 minutes per year, until they get to be a teenager.

    My 5 yr old, 3 yr old, and 2 year old all go to bed at 8 and sleep to 8.

  7. My 4-year old daughter goes to bed at 8pm.  My son is only 10 months old, so I don't have it down to an exact time, but I try to have him in bed by 8:30.

  8. my son is 16 mos.. he goes to bed between 8 pm (if we were really busy that day) and 9:30.. He will sleep later if i put him to bed later.. and he usually falls asleep within 5 or 10 min

  9. 8:00 nightly.  At 7:30 he's had his bath and teeth brushed. We rock a little bit with dim lights in his room, some soft music in the background (lullabies and stuff like that).  He gets 2 -3 stories a night (depending how long they are) and by the time we're done with that he's rubbing his eyes and tired.  I put him to bed and hand him his teddy bear that he can't sleep without and by 8:10 he's out like a light (and sometimes sooner).

    Getting to stay up late is a privilege. We let him stay up an extra hour if it's a holiday or something really special going on but usually he's in bed at 8:00 95% of the time.  He's up about 7- 7:30 every morning like clockwork.

  10. I try to keep him up until at least 9, so he sleeps through the night.  I put him down at 8:30 because he was cranky-tired though. He's at Grandma's (mother in laws) all day on Mondays. He's always out of sorts on Monday night.  

  11. 7            

  12. I am a mom of 5...even teens now. AND my teens even have bed times.

    Even though your child is little now he or she isnt always going to be. It is a habit you need to teach young or you will kick yourself later.

    Kids need 10-12 hrs of sleep. There is no harm in having a strict bed time, its like making them try veggies or brush their teeth. If you dont teach them the importance now they wont understand you shoving it down their throat when they are  5.

    Always make sure you allow an extra 30 mins to an hour to fall asleep. So if you want them ASLEEp by 9, bedtime is 8 or 830.

  13. If your kid is in daycare or at a babysitter, then you should ideally try to create a routine where the child is in bed at 7:30, but if you're a stay at home mom, then I advocate letting the child go to sleep when the child is tired, and not insist on "bedtime" which they will anyways resist. My reasoning is quite simple. The more often you let your child figure out when his body is tired, and therefore it's time for him to go to bed, the less resistance you'll have in the preschool and early grade school years putting the kids to bed, because they will not fight their own exhaustion, when they're tired, they'll be used to the concept of "my body is telling me I need to go to sleep now" as opposed to always fighting bedtime, whether they are literally falling apart or not.

  14. I have a 5 year old and a 2 year old and I try my hardest to get them to bed at 9pm every night. Sometimes it doesn't work and I slack off and they don't get to bed till 10pm. But my 5 year old is starting school next week so I have to get them set in the straight with the bedtime. My kids go straight to bed when I tell them it's time and they are usually asleep within 10 minutes.

  15. My two year old stays up late with me at night because my husband and I work long hours during the day.  Usually he wakes up at about 11am, takes a nap from 2-6, then stays up with us until 10-11pm.  When he gets a little older, we'll start to adjust so that he wakes up earlier in the morning so that he will be prepared for preschool when it comes.

    During the summer, our 11 and 12 year olds went to bed at 11.  School is starting next week, so we have started making them go down at 9:30.  I really hate it because I don't usually get home from work until six.  It doesn't seem like very long to spend with them.  We have an awesome sitter though, who does homework with them and makes dinner for us every night so we get to maximize the time we have.  Soccer practice nights are the worst!  Then I only get about an hour with them before they go to bed.

    My mother complains to no end about how late my toddler stays up, but it's what works best for our family.  My mom was sahm, so it made sense for us to get up early in the morning to spend time with her.  For us, it's just better for our son to spend the majority of his waking hours with us.

  16. 7pm

  17. 8 PM

  18. between 730 and 830. It takes about a half hour of cuddle time before she will fall asleep. I don't get how some kids go to bed at like midnight, when they start school that will be a hard habit to break.  

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