
What time in the morning does the fasting in Ramadan start

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Fajr prayer is at 5am does it start here? and my Insha prayer is at7pm does it end there? also i am staying in Ghana is the date of Ramadan effected?




  1. the days when the fasting start varies form country to country

    check with your local mosque.

    Fasting starts @ about Fazr time and Ends about Maghrib time

    yr local mosque should be able to give a fasting time table for the entire month

  2. ramadan beings when you see the new full moon. So if u are in ghanna watch out for  it.

    Ramadan finishes after magrib prayers, not Isha. maghrib is the sunset prayer, so its done wen the sun has gone down, which when u are allowed to to eat.

    Also it is best to have breakfast at fajr becuase you have to eat before sunrise and fajr prayer is performed before sunrise.

    Then after maghrib prayers u can have food all the way to sunrise the next day. After sunrise u fast all the way to sunset.

    :) hope this helps

    jazakhom allah khair




  3. Sunrise to sundown.

  4. There are two types of fajr:

    -False fajr and True fajr

    a) False Fajr, At this time  it is unlawful to pray fajr prayer but it is permissible to eat for the one intending to fast. The false fajr is distinguished by a rising vertical column of whiteness which appears like the  tail of a wolf

    b) True fajr. At this time it is lawful to pray the fajr pray but is it unlawful to eat for one who is fasting. It is distinguished by a white light coming across the horizon in the East ,  

    Thus one should stop all eating and drinking before the True fajr.

    Please open this link to get more informatio which is full oh hadiths about starting the fast :

  5. Approximately one and one-half hours before sunrise.


  7. you start fasting at fajr in your case that means you cannot eat after 5 am.  You break your fast at maghreb time, not isha.  

  8. it begins at exactly at sunrise and ends after prayers at sunset.  consult local times and weather forecast charts for each days exact time of sunrise and sunset.  Bon Apetite'  and Peace!

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