
What time is Ricky Hatton Fighting this sat?

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What time is Ricky Hatton Fighting this sat?




  1. 8pm but as is usual, the bell wil probally sound around 8-30 to 9ish.

  2. 3pm in the US. If you want to read about this fight head on over to they have a write-up on the fight and also a forum where you can go and chat about this and many other fight related stuff.

  3. 2PM EST Time

    Catch it all live on

  4. 19:30

  5. the events coverage are announced from:

    8:30pm CET / 7:30pm BST /  2:30pm EST

    Versus and Sky box office streams will be on

    non-delayed, with no open p2p ports or anything.

    Just secure High Quality x264 Dedicated streams.

    All the rest of the sites are just cheap imitation compared to them. This is really near my home digitall tv quality on my big screen.

  6. I think it starts at half 7 but id say around 10ish he will fight

  7. haha idk he was what channel

  8. the actual hatton fight will be on about 10.45

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