
What time is bed time for a 12-year-old?

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What time for bed for a 12 year old during the summer (no school).




  1. when i was 12 it was 12 am.

    and ihad to be up by 11 the next morning.


  3. About 10/11pm. Growing up during school our bedtime was 9.During summer it was between 10-11 pending on if we were up watching a family movie or something.

  4. My parents would let me stay up as long as I wanted under the conditions that I didn't leave the house, I was up before lunch (we weren't big breakfast people) and I wasn't grouchy when I got up.

  5. 10:00 pm

  6. if no school I would say maybe 11 if you were comfortable with that....but however there isn't much for a 12 yr old to do so maybe 10. But by the latest I would say 11

  7. Well It's 5:15AM right now and I am still awake. I am 12 years old. I am allowed to stay up as late as I want as long as I am not grouchy the next day. I am allowed to sleep as late as I want the next day because my mom works from 7PM to 7AM and she sleeps all day and I stay home with my step father at night and he goes to work at 7:30AM.

  8. I'd say 11...

  9. My mom used to let me stay up till whenever I wanated to. Then early in the morning she would pick on me while I was trying to go to sleep.... It really doesnt matter... they dont have school. LOL

  10. Well, I am 13 almost 14. My bed time during the school year is between 9 and 10. During the summer, I stay up as late as I want, as long as I don't have anything going on the next morning. I would say no later that 12:30. I usually go to bed then or a little before then, but every once in a while I'll stay up til 1 or 2. Just let your kid go to bed whenever they want.

    btw, I usually sleep in til 10 or 11, but last week one time I slept in til 1:00 in the afternoon. Usually I get about 9-11 hours of sleep.

  11. 9 or 9:30

  12. 1030

  13. About 11, but when school gets closer make them go to be earlier each night to get used to it again. You don't want your kid sleeping all day. They should keep active and be having fun in the day time. So i would say in bed by 11 and up by 9 or 9:30. Good Luck!

  14. Bedtime for a 12 yr old during the summer I would say 11pm.   I've told my youngest that she doesn't have a bedtime on the weekends during the summer and she is asleep before midnight regardless.

  15. My moms rule was always 11 during summertime but if i stayed up later it wasn't usually a big deal either since i didn't have to be up for school.

  16. Well most people need between 8-10 hours of sleep a night. I say as long as he is happy and getting enough sleep then let him choose or atleast get into bed by 11. I remember I was never one to stay up late. I would be asleep by 8:30 or 9 even at that age and it was worse when I went to work when I was 18. I would go to sleep around 6 pm on the nights I had to work at 6 in the morning. I gotta have my beauty rest.

  17. well im 12 too annd my parents let me stay up as long as i want, just as long as i dont wake them up, but i would say 11 or 1130.

  18. I stay up till 2:30 AM and Im 12

  19. Depends on the parents. During summer I would make sure that curfew was no later than 10:30, give or take depending on the kid. And as long as you didn't have anything to do in the morning, I'd let the kid stay up as long as they want, as long as they didn't bother me. It's summer, enjoy it!

  20. Man I guess my mom was more strict than folks now.  My bedtime was 10 until my senior year of highschool when she bumped it to 11.  

    I'd say 10 is a decent bedtime for a 12 year old though, even in summer.

  21. if there is no school around 10:00

    my family would say around 9:00, even earlier around 8:00

  22. 10 -11

  23. 9:30

  24. tell she falls down asleep.

    im 12(:

    i only go to bed early when i have something big the next day.

    other wise.....

    i go crazyy(:

  25. I am 13

    Durning the sumer I go when I want.  Aslong I do not wake up my parents.  My parents usally tell me take into to consideration we have to go some where tommorow morning.

    if you are crusions my school bed time is aroud 11:30 what is your sons can you leave it in the addinol coments

  26. NEVER!!!!!!!!

  27. its summer let them stay up as late as they want until school gets near them put them on the bedtime they would do during school!!

  28. 10 to 11

  29. umm.... like whenever

  30. during the summer when ever he gets tired. He'll ask to stay up all nite and I always say yes by 11pm he's fast asleep, lol

    during school 9pm

  31. That depends upon the 12 year old and the parents.  All of my kids have to get up early whether they are in school are not because I still have to go to work and put food on the table.  My 11 year old goes to bed between 9:30 and 10:30 because she knows that she can still get up without being tired all day.  If she had a problem getting out of bed then she'd be in bed earlier.

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