
What time is breakfast eaten in Venezuela?

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What time is breakfast eaten in Venezuela?




  1. Hi, I am from Venezuela and we eat breakfast just like everybody else. You eat breakfast when you get up, clean up, and wash your teeth. But soon if we don't get rid of Chavez, probably most Venezuelans won't be able to eat or have a breakfast again.

  2. Like they say, but it's best on the street corner early in the morning before it gets really hot, Empanadas and coffee from a street vendor.

  3. when ever you wake up...after the shower but before getting dressed for the day

  4. Who cares? Should we? Is there some kind of hidden message here? Are you giving a heads up? Cool.Ill take notes.

  5. The first answer is right. If you go to work it may be at 6 am, and if you dont, then later, at 8.30 maybe.

  6. Usually quite late. People are very lazy here.

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