
What time is dinner time in Spain?

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What time is dinner time in Spain?




  1. I would think the same has here.I have mine around 6 to 8.

  2. Tea time? Dinner time


  3. BKFst: when you wake up

    Lunch: between 1-3

    Supper: between 8-10

  4. 9 pm

  5. when Spain get hungry ... Lol

  6. between breakfast & supper

  7. I´m spanish and I dinner at nine o'clock more or less.

    When the dinner is in a restaurant,is normal later.

    Now it is 21:53 n I don't dinner yet.


  9. If dinner is the midday meal, around 1. If it's the evening meal, it's more like 8 to 10.

  10. We live in Spain and find that most eat their main meal at about 9.30--10.30pm.

    Light breakfast at about 8.30am

    Break at 11.00am for small snack and coffee

    Stop for siesta at about 1.00.  Have light lunch.

    Start work again at 4.00

    Small snack and coffee at about 6.00

    Finnish work at 8.00pm

    Throughout the day they drink lots of water.

  11. Dinner time - whenever they decide to have their dinner

  12. It all depends on how you define dinner time. Spanish peoples main meal is eaten at about 2pm. They don't eat huge amounts in the evening (10ish). So I would say 2pm.

    Hope this helps

  13. Whenever they get hungry

  14. After nine o'clock, although some restaurant kitchens  may open as early as eight, you will either eat alone or with the tourists.

  15. around 10:30/11

    if you are going to live there- during siesta hours get a little snack

    if just vacation- the snack places are usually open around 4 cuz thats when siesta is and people just have a little bite before going to work.

    or have a big lunch

    (lunch is at 2)

  16. It depends, but anytime between 9 and 11 is OK. Like, during the weekend or on holidays I have dinner at 9:30 or 10 PM but working days it's more difficult, so I usually have dinner at 10:30-11 PM.

    Lunch time is between 2 and 3:30 PM. I usually have lunch at 2 or half past, while my mum gets out of work later and has lunch at 3:30 PM. It depends on your schedule

  17. any time you like

  18. Do you mean when they eat the main meal of the day?

    If so for many it is still between 12 and 2pm. The shops shut and families get together at home or at a restaurant. Most are geared to this time for main meals.

    Then in the evening Tapas is popular.

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