
What time is it? Where are you?

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If Its 9.00pm in Australia, which it almost is,

Then what time is it wherever you are??




  1. its 8 am in louisiana,united states....and im feeding my 1 month old at home....hes my little

  2. I am in Alice Springs, Australia

    It is 22:31 hours

  3. I live in Indonesia and it's 10.42pm here, I think there are 3 hours difference between our countries. is always the best source :)

  4. Gothenburg , Sweden 3.00pm here

  5. 9:05 A.M. in Philadelphia, PA

  6. Just about 6am!! California, USA

  7. It is 4:54pm in Budapest on a bright, sunny beautiful day.

    just got in awhile ago from ahour long walk just streching my legs and looking at all of the amazing buildings here.

  8. Nearly 2 in the afternoon in the not so sunny UK

  9. I am in Missouri, USA and it is 7:56 am.  :D

  10. usa,9:34 am

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