
What time is it? Why?

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What time is it whare your at?

What city do you live in?

Why are you up so late/early?

What do you plan to have for breakfast, lunch, and dinner?

Me? Its 12:52 AM, i live in ontario california, and im awake because my pet rat needed to be medicated. For breakfast, i plan on having honey bunches of oats, with almonds. Lunch, i plan on eating cheese and crackers, and for dinner, something with pasta in it.




  1. Now I'm in Sabah, Malaysia at 4.01 pm

    I live in Tawau

    I woke up today at 5.30 am

    For dinner, I never plan one....I eat whatever my mom cook for us

  2. It's 1:02 am in huntington beach ca im awake because I haven't fallen asleep yet, i dont eat breakfast and i never know what im going to eat for lunch or dinner
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