
What time is it if you have a one handed clock poinitng:?

by  |  earlier

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there is a hour hand only the minute hand is missing

A. 2 marks past 2:00

B. 3 marks past 3:00

C 1 mark before 11:00




  1. are there 12 marks total?

    If so, then each mark equals 5 minutes.

    A would be 2:10, B is 3:15, C is 10:55

  2. if there are five marks between each number marking the hours, then every mark is 1/5 of an hour. 60 minutes in an hour so each mark is 60/5 or 12 minutes.

    A. 2*12=24 so 2:24

    B. 3*12=36 so 3:36

    C. 1*12=12 60-12=48 so 10:48


  3. Are there 5 marks between numbers?  If so, how many minutes is in 1/5 of an hour?

  4. okk..if it's a bit past 3 then you should know that it's going to be 3:30.

    what kinda question is this?

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