
What time is it in Los Anegeles?

by  |  earlier

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I live here but I'm confused. I woke up in the morning and saw it was 8 am.

i couldn't fall back asleep so I got up. when I went to the kithen to make coffe for myself I saw the clock in the kitchen and the living room said it was 7 am, meaning and hour eariler. So I came back to my room and looked at the clock again thought I might missaw something,

my computer says 8 am.

the t.v says 8 am

and my phone says 8 am.

the living room clock says 7 am.

the kitchen clock says 7 am

im confused.

did we move the clock????




  1. yes darlin, we sprung forward last night - 1 hour - your cable and your cell phone will show you the correct time

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