
What time is it in Russia, when it is 12:00p.m. (lunchtime) in Ottawa?

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What time is it in Russia, when it is 12:00p.m. (lunchtime) in Ottawa?




  1. I assume you mean today.  I also assume you mean Moscow, Russia.

    If it is 12 noon in Ottawa it will be 8 pm in Moscow.

    If it is 12 noon in Ottawa it will be 3 am in Vladivostok

    You can look up other cities on

  2. It depends on what part of Russia if its Moscow then 8 hours different and if it's rather then East you go then it goes up a hour the further you go.

  3. Its an 8 hour different between Ottawa and Moscow. So if its 12:00 p.m. in Ottawa than its 8:00 p.m. (20:00 p.m.) in Moscow. Same goes with St. Petersburg.

    Its a 15 hour difference between Ottawa and Vladivostok. So if its 12:00 p.m. in Ottawa than its 3:00 a.m. in Vladiovostok.

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