
What time is it in london UK? Where is London?

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I live in New Jersey and right now it's 10:58am

What time is it in london? What the time difference?

Im talking to this guy on the internet from UK but it takes a while for him to get it. Where is UK? Is it north from NJ? Do you have to go up or down? east or west?

I really would like to know about London.

I know they are just like the U.S but they just have a different accent.




  1. it's 16:05 in london

  2. It's a shame the above answerer was so rude to you because she actually got her facts wrong about the time.  I live on the east coast of the US as well and London and England are 5 hours ahead of us.  So right now it is 11:15am here and 4:15pm there.

    London is the capitol of England which is east from us across the Atlantic Ocean.  England is part of Great Britain (the union of Scotland, England and Wales) and Great Britain is part of the United Kingdom (UK) which is England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

    To learn about London a good way to start would be to go to and search for London.  To get you started here's a link to a map of England  You will see London marked by a star in the south east part of the country.  This map shows you where England is in Europe.  Just move your cursor over the countries to see the name of each.  Finally, once you are familiar with where England is you can see how the country relates to the US on a world map

    I wouldn't say the UK is JUST like the US but with an accent.  There are different accents in different parts of the UK just like in the US how we have southern accents, boston accents, etc.  Also there are a lot of cultural differences and different words they use.

  3. ummm... London is in the country of England which is part of the United Kingdom.

    I suggest you stop talking to this person if you don't know anything about foreign geography.

    Its on the other side of the atlantic ocean. they are 6 hours ahead of us on the clock.

    Go buy a map

  4. There is a 4 or 5 hour difference in the time zones, depending upon whether or not your area is on Standard time or Daylight Savings Time.  London is located in the Southeastern part of England.  Go to your local library and look at a world atlas to find the location of London from N.J.

    Most of them speak "the King's English" whereas in the U.S. we speak "American English".  Just like here, there are a variety of accents due to the part of the country in which they live.  Most notable is the Cockney accent, as the don't pronounce an "h" - "Hello" becomes "Ello".  You can also learn more about London from your library.

  5. It's now about quarter past 4 in the afternoon - nearly time to finish work!!!! Britain is North Europe, it's East across the atlantic  from NJ and north of NJ.

  6. London is a city in the UK, and the UK has only one time zone. The difference between EST and GMT (the time zone in the UK) is 5 hours, so you are 5 hours behind anyone in London. However, daylight savings time is slightly different, so that 5 hours can vary slightly because of the different dates that DST changes occur on.

    London is North of NJ. In fact all of the UK is further North than the Northernmost part of the US. To get there you would have to travel East across the Atlantic. From JFK it's about a 7 hour flight.

    London is about the same size at the 5 boroughs of NY, NY and has the same population. The only real similarity between London and anywhere in the US is that the language is the same. It's a much older city than any US cities, and you'll find a lot of history there. Have you tried searching online to see if you can get more information on London?

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