
What time is it in russia?

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time difference from east coast U.S.A. and Russia




  1. It depends where in Russia. Here are some examples with the time being 6:19 EST:  

    Kamchatka   11:19am    PETST    

    Magadan   10:19am    MAGST    

    Sakhalin   9:19am    SAKST    

    Vladivostok   9:19am    VLAST    

    Yakutsk   8:19am    YAKST    

    Irkutsk   7:19am    IRKST    

    Novosobirsk   5:19am    NOVST    

    Samara   3:19am    SAMST    

    Hope this helps! :)

  2. LOL I don't know I am in the USA. LOL Call Russia and ask them. : )

  3. Moscow, Russia-  2:28 AM, Thursday, August 21, 2008

    New York- Wed 6:31 PM, August 20, 2008

    Hope I helped :).

  4. It really depends on what part of Russia you have in mind. The major cities Moscow and St. Petersburg are 8 hours ahead.

    If you'd like to know the current time anywhere in the world, simply go to this website:

  5. who knows

  6. Time for freedom.

  7. Depends what place in Russia you are interested in. Russia is a big country and has several time zones.

    Use this site:

    World Time Zones

    Includes clickable maps with time zone and current time information.

    Hope this helps.

  8. They actually don't have 5 different time zones, but 12. So when they have new year they have it 12 times. Pretty fun, eh?

  9. its time to say goodbye  .....BANG!!!

  10. hammer time

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