
What time is it on the moon right now?

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What time is it on the moon right now?




  1. No use of setting up time zones there, currently! May be like within a few centuries, we might need to set the times, coz population would have exploded like h**l and we would be needing evacuation to moon!!!!! Cool question dude!

  2. Moon has no time.  Time is concept that human beings created and only makes sense to people on Earth.

  3. It depends.

  4. where on the moon? it's 3:30 here, but 8:30 in London.

  5. There is no time on the moon, because time (the kind you're talking about at least) was created by man and earth is used as a reference. If the moon were to have a time, timezones would have to be setup as well as a reference point.

  6. When Apollo 11 visited the Moon, they kept the same time as Mission Control in Houston.  So, sticking with tradition, it is 11:38 am (CDT).

  7. Moon has day and night like Earth (but different interval- 1 day on Moon equals 28.5 days on Earth to be exact) so it has various time zones thus its not possible answer your question. For example it might be 11:00 am here in the US but its 11:00 pm in Hong Kong.

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