
What time is it?????

by  |  earlier

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ok so i am not stupid or anything i'm just really bad a t changing time... and i was wondering if its 2pm in eastern time what time is it in southern california..???




  1. here in missouri it is 8:28 pm

  2. Peanutbutter Jelly Time! Duh...@^,^@

  3. PARTY TIME!!!

  4. 11 a.m. LOL

  5. It's time for you to get a watch.


  6. I think the time in military is about 13:37.

  7. California is on Pacific Standard Time, which is three hours behind Eastern Standard Time. Therefore if it's 2pm EST, it's 11am PST.

  8. California is in the Pacific time zone.

    2pm Eastern is 11am Pacific.

  9. i am est and cali is 3 hours behind.  so it would be 11am

  10. i know other people answered before me

    its 11:00 AM

  11. 6:39

  12. its 6:40
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