
What time is it safe to go in the direct light of the sun in Thailand with no sunsceen?

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What time is it safe to go in the direct light of the sun in Thailand with no sunsceen?




  1. around midnight

  2. When it's gone dark.

    It's NEVER safe to go out into the sun without any protection on your skin. Better safe than sorry! I'd rather be pale and interesting than dealing with skin cancer tyvm!

  3. when its dark

  4. anytime, as long as you don't stay there for too long.

  5. Sunscreen all the time in Thailand and be aware of the mozzies.  Make sure you take your antimalarial tablets without fail;  even if you are protected I warn you they are man-eaters!

    You may also like to note that while in some Towns there are "massage parlours" on one corner of many streets, on the opposite corner you will find a STD Clinic!!

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