
What time is it where you are and what are you doing?

by  |  earlier

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... apart from the obvious "being on yahoo answers". What are your plans for the day? Are you meeting anyone special? Lazy day? etc etc :o) It is 2:19pm where I am and I am about to have some late lunch... first day off in a while!!




  1. Its 15:07, dull outside. Im sitting listening to my colleagues talk shite waiting out the next 20 mins until I can go home turn on the playstation and drink a pile of beer.

  2. 14.29 just had lunch and off up the hill to see how the drill rigs are going, hopefully we have hit a few more gold veins  

  3. its 11.30pm here.. and i am studing for a statistics subject, preparing for an exam on saturday. got a crazy few hours ahead, going to bed then waking up when my boyfriend gets in (5am) then going to bed again. Going to the hairdresser tomorrow (about time), instead of being a blonde I look more like a brunette.. so thats pretty exciting!

  4. It's 10:20am here in Philly, PA and I'm chilling out listening to some music before getting ready for work.

  5. it's 8:01pm here, it's a nice evening here in oklahoma so after dinner i'll probably go for a walk or something outside.

  6. 15:40, off the coast of Denmark and waiting to go home.

  7. it's 9:30 am and i'm waiting for someone to get out of class so we can take care of some errands

  8. Its 2:55pm here and planing to go shopping.

  9. It is 6:45 pm here in Budapest, Hungary.

    Just having some wine and relaxing after a long day of buying presents and running errands. We are going back to the states next week and I am a bit down about it,I hate to leave our little funky flat over here.So peaceful just spending everyday with my husband and not having to run out the door for work.

    Hopefully we will be able to retire in less then 2 years so our place will just have to wait for us to return.

    i would look into working over here but our son is in the states so that is a big reason why we return there.

  10. 15:29

    cleaning my belly button

  11. It's 3.32pm here in Spain. I'm indoors because it's too hot right now outside.

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