
What time is lunch time ?

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i normaly have lunch around 2pm when im hungry but if im working its forced on you at 12 pm




  1. I guess it depends on the person and their life style. I would say lunch time is anywhere from 11:30 to 2:00. That might sound late but it could always be a late lunch.

  2. one week noon the next 1

  3. 12.30p.m. for me and another hour for my fussy kids. One day I'll make lunch without the word "I don't like this" :)

  4. Well when I go to luch at my schol it's like 10:50 so actually we have brunch.

  5. 12 a clock really but i don't eat really until 3 a clock

  6. at my school it's between 11:11-12:30 on a rotating schedual. But normal people eat anywhere between 11:00-3:00. I personally prefer eating at 1:00. because I eat brunch around 10:00.

    Try eating a smaller breakfast or eating it ealier to accomadate your wok conditions.

  7. depends on your schedule.  your second meal is generally 4-6 hours following your first meal.

  8. 10:40 for me. more like breakfast tho.

  9. For me it's anywhere between 11am-2pm.  Depends on the day, what time I got up, what I have going on, etc.

  10. between 12pm and 2pm

    1pm for me!!

  11. In my school 1:15!

    although aat home i have lunch at around 12:30..

    and yourself?

  12. About that time...

  13. At school, I have my lunch at 9:50 AM, which is way too early. But when I'm at home, I would have my lunch at 12:30 PM, or earlier, or sometimes later than 12:30 PM, depending on how hungry I am.

  14. 12 30

  15. Noon

  16. Normally around 12pm .I feel hungry then as I don,t have breakfast.

  17. anytime between 12 - 2pm

  18. 12.30

  19. 11:30!!

  20. Some people take their lunch at 12:00 noon and some people take it different time it depend on their job.

  21. 11 am, my usual time at work.

  22. I normally eat around 1:00pm.

  23. Any time from  11 :30 to 1:00, depends when I'm hungry

  24. 1 pm for me.

  25. 12pm-12:30pm

  26. at 12 or at one o' clock...depends on what county you're living in or where are you're working.

  27. 12 oclock if you want

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