
What time is right now in Madrid, Spain?

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What time is right now in Madrid, Spain?




  1. 9.27 pm

  2. what time did you ask this question ?

    it is now 15.47  in paris .what time is it where you are ? on the east coast or west coast ?

    november 6th .............

    it should be 7 hours +one hour ..........

  3. 21:30 hrs. Madrid

    15:30 hrs. New York

    14:30 hrs. Houston

    13:30 hrs. Denver

    12:30 hrs. Los Angeles


    Good Luck

  4. It all depends where you are in the world as to how many hours difference it is in Madrid, but for instance England right now as I am typing is 23.10, Madrid is 00.10 so, Madrid is 1 hour ahead of England only.

  5. 2328

  6. 20.05 Saturday 04/11/06

  7. It's now there as well

  8. now, and always, GMT+1, or CET (central europe time).

  9. Time to visit Madrid

  10. Time for a watch. j/k it's Nov 4th 1:04 a.m.

  11. Same as it always is....

    ... PARTY TIME!

  12. 8pm

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