
What time is sunset tomorrow?

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I have to start fasting tomorrow for Ramadan and I can eat at sunset but I don't know what time that will be. Any help? Thanks in advance.




  1. It would help a lot to know where you are because sunrise/sunset varies according to location. In the American midwest, sunrise will be at about 7:00 am CDT and sunset at about 7:55 pm

    Try this website if you need more precise times ==>

  2. Even within Maryland, the time of sunset can vary by close to an hour. You need to be much more specific about your location. The US Naval Observatory has a great web site which generates times of sunrise and sunset (and many other things) for anywhere on Earth.

  3. why not just look out the window?

  4. I'm fasting too! Go us, well anyway I believe it's 7:00 good luck to you but I only have to fast weekends school days (school for me starts sept. 2). So around 7:00 no certain exact time but.. once again good luck.

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