
What time is the August 1st solar eclipes Pacific time

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what time will the eclipse be from start to finish in Pacific time.




  1. it doesnt show in america until august of 2017 i believe.

    but it will be seen in northern canada at 1:21, and the full eclipse can be seen at 2:31

    i think it can be seen in africa and china too, but im not exactly sure

  2. I don't know if I understood right, but I read that you can see it in northern Canada and will continue going north eastern until it is fully past, so if your talking about America, We'll only be ably to see it partially, but I didn't understand the time....

    Twilight fans would know that tomorrow is AMAZING for 3 diff reasons...

    But I read if the sources link.

  3. The eclipse will not be visible from California. There is a live NASA webcast from China, but that will be from 3:30 to 4:30 a.m. Pacific Time

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