
What time is the latest a 16 year old should sleep?

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What time is the latest a 16 year old should sleep?




  1. 7:30 am.  

  2. it's not so much how late, but it's important that you get AT LEAST 8 hours of sleep.  Your body needs it.  And for teens, 9 or ten hours is even better.

  3. whenva they want

  4. Try to get about 8 hours sleep.

  5. I'm almost 16.. less than a month. And right now, I stay up till 3 or 4 in the morning.. Bad idea. I would say midnight is a good time to turn in; maybe 1. I'm never near as tired when I get to sleep earlier.

    You can't make up for lost sleep btw.

  6. You should get 8hrs sleep, but the 8hrs needs to start before 12:00 midnight or else it doesn't count.  << Ano random :P

  7. It depends on what time he fell asleep, and whether he's trying to make up a sleep debt.  Teenagers often enjoy sleeping a lot when they get the chance, it's probably a time for the body and brain to get in some growing time when their not being used to do something else.  Also, different people need different amounts of sleep, based on random variations in their bodies' constructions.  I sometimes slept for 10 or 11 hours when I was a teenager, and I still feel my best when I get about 9 hours.

  8. If no school or work or college they have nothing to get up for have they. If they are on computers all night long etc I would expect him to stay in till 12 mid day then eat go onto computer till 2pm and the cycle resumes.

    Change the cycle kick him out at 7.00 tell him to get a job, unplug computer at 9.00pm or tell him if he don't like it time to leave home.

  9. about 1-3

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