
What time is the lunar eclipse for tomorrow night and where can i see it in the sky?

by Guest60015  |  earlier

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just what time at night and where in the sky i can see it




  1. it all depends on where you live

  2. at 2.00 to 6.50and in the sky anywhere

  3. here is a lunar eclispe chart;

    Eclipses of the Moon: 2001 - 2020

    Date Eclipse Type Umbral Magnitude Eclipse Duration Geographic Region of Eclipse Visibility

    2001 Jan 09 Total 1.195 03h17m

    01h02m e Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia

    2001 Jul 05 Partial 0.499 02h40m e Africa, Asia, Aus., Pacific

    2001 Dec 30 Penumbral -0.110 - e Asia, Aus., Pacific, Americas

    2002 May 26 Penumbral -0.283 - e Asia, Aus., Pacific, w Americas

    2002 Jun 24 Penumbral -0.788 - S. America, Europe, Africa, c Asia, Aus.

    2002 Nov 20 Penumbral -0.222 - Americas, Europe, Africa, e Asia

    2003 May 16 Total 1.134 03h15m

    00h53m c Pacific, Americas, Europe, Africa

    2003 Nov 09 Total 1.022 03h32m

    00h24m Americas, Europe, Africa, c Asia

    2004 May 04 Total 1.309 03h24m

    01h16m S. America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Aus.

    2004 Oct 28 Total 1.313 03h39m

    01h21m Americas, Europe, Africa, c Asia

    2005 Apr 24 Penumbral -0.139 - e Asia, Aus., Pacific, Americas

    2005 Oct 17 Partial 0.068 00h58m Asia, Aus., Pacific, North America

    2006 Mar 14 Penumbral -0.055 - Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia

    2006 Sep 07 Partial 0.189 01h33m Europe, Africa, Asia, Aus.

    2007 Mar 03 Total 1.238 03h42m

    01h14m Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia

    2007 Aug 28 Total 1.481 03h33m

    01h31m e Asia, Aus., Pacific, Americas

    2008 Feb 21 Total 1.111 03h26m

    00h51m c Pacific, Americas, Europe, Africa

    2008 Aug 16 Partial 0.813 03h09m S. America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Aus.

    2009 Feb 09 Penumbral -0.083 - e Europe, Asia, Aus., Pacific, w N.A.

    2009 Jul 07 Penumbral -0.909 - Aus., Pacific, Americas

    2009 Aug 06 Penumbral -0.661 - Americas, Europe, Africa, w Asia

    2009 Dec 31 Partial 0.082 01h02m Europe, Africa, Asia, Aus.

    2010 Jun 26 Partial 0.542 02h44m e Asia, Aus., Pacific, w Americas

    2010 Dec 21 Total 1.262 03h29m

    01h13m e Asia, Aus., Pacific, Americas, Europe

    2011 Jun 15 Total 1.705 03h40m

    01h41m S.America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Aus.

    2011 Dec 10 Total 1.110 03h33m

    00h52m Europe, e Africa, Asia, Aus., Pacific, N.A.

    2012 Jun 04 Partial 0.376 02h08m Asia, Aus., Pacific, Americas

    2012 Nov 28 Penumbral -0.184 - Europe, e Africa, Asia, Aus., Pacific, N.A.

    2013 Apr 25 Partial 0.020 00h32m Europe, Africa, Asia, Aus.

    2013 May 25 Penumbral -0.928 - Americas, Africa

    2013 Oct 18 Penumbral -0.266 - Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia

    2014 Apr 15 Total 1.296 03h35m

    01h19m Aus., Pacific, Americas

    2014 Oct 08 Total 1.172 03h20m

    01h00m Asia, Aus., Pacific, Americas

    2015 Apr 04 Total 1.006 03h30m

    00h12m Asia, Aus., Pacific, Americas

    2015 Sep 28 Total 1.282 03h21m

    01h13m e Pacific, Americas, Europe, Africa, w Asia

    2016 Mar 23 Penumbral -0.307 - Asia, Aus., Pacific, w Americas

    2016 Aug 18 Penumbral -0.992 - Aus., Pacific, Americas

    2016 Sep 16 Penumbral -0.058 - Europe, Africa, Asia, Aus., w Pacific

    2017 Feb 11 Penumbral -0.031 - Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia

    2017 Aug 07 Partial 0.252 01h57m Europe, Africa, Asia, Aus.

    2018 Jan 31 Total 1.321 03h23m

    01h17m Asia, Aus., Pacific, w N.America

    2018 Jul 27 Total 1.614 03h55m

    01h44m S.America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Aus.

    2019 Jan 21 Total 1.201 03h17m

    01h03m c Pacific, Americas, Europe, Africa

    2019 Jul 16 Partial 0.657 02h59m S.America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Aus.

    2020 Jan 10 Penumbral -0.111 - Europe, Africa, Asia, Aus.

    2020 Jun 05 Penumbral -0.399 - Europe, Africa, Asia, Aus.

    2020 Jul 05 Penumbral -0.639 - Americas, sw Europe, Africa

    2020 Nov 30 Penumbral -0.258 - Asia, Aus., Pacific, Americas

    Geographic abreviations (used above): n = north, s = south, e = east, w = west, c = central

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