
What time is too early to make phone calls?

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I work for a University and, on occasion, have to make phone calls to inform students of class changes. I have phone calls to make concerning a class that doesn't start for several weeks as the time that was originally given is wrong. So, what would be too early to call and tell them about the actual time?




  1. 8 or 9 am. Preferably 9.

  2. Do you mean how many weeks early should you inform them of this change in scheduled start time of class?  Tell them right away.  This way they can make adjustments for other classes, work or whatever.

    If you mean how early in the day can you call a student and expect him or her to be coherent?  Nine o clock is fair; besides, everyone has voice mail if they truly cannot answer the phone that early.

  3. Time of day shouldn't be before 8am. As for the number of days prior to the class, the earlier the better in my opinion.

  4. I think 9 is good.


  5. For business related things, I would never call before 9am. I mean, aside from all other ethics, you could justify it as being the beginning of your working day and therefore the beginning of your responsibility to make the phone calls.

    Unless the class starts at 9am, although you just said it doesn't' start for several weeks. If it were for something starting at 9am, I would say 8:30 would be acceptable, but no earlier than.

    in general I try not to call before 9am, except for people who I know are awake before then. .  

  6. I think any time earlier than 8 am is too early.  8 am is when many businesses are open for the day and when most schools start, so I think it's perfectly appropriate to make a call as early as 8 am.

  7. I always wait until 9:00 a.m. before I start making business-related phone calls.

  8. i think 9 is ok

  9. Before 9 would be too early

  10. 11 am

    Uni students like to sleep in

  11. Before 9.

    Do not all Students have computers and you have their E-mail


    Why not have the Students check periodically as to eventual

    schedule changes?

    Are not the schedules and possible changes posted somewhere?

    The system needs to be revised.


  12. When does class start? For example, if it starts at 9, I think it would be ok to phone at 8.

  13. I work in an office and sometimes I need to make customer service calls and I usually start them around 10 am, I think 9 am would also be ok though.  

  14. I agree 9 am is reasonable.  

  15. To the student, anytime you call and wake them up is to early. Good luck.  

  16. Most businesses open at 0800, so I think that is an appropriate time. I also was raised that calls past 9:00 pm where too late, so I would not call after that time...

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