
What time next Sunday is the US Open Mens Final?

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I MUST see the US Open Mens Final. But I need to know what time of the day to get out of work. Someone please help. Last year I think it was around 3 PM but if someone could give me some concrete evidence I would really appreciate it. Thanks!




  1. You can watch the Men;s 2008 final on Sunday, September 7, from 4-7 pm (eastern time) on CBS (which is live coverage!)

    I am positive check this website

    The women's final is saturday, september 6, 8-10 pm, eastern time, on CBS.

    Well if you really want to see just men's playing, the semifinals would also be some match, if Roger and Novak meet...

    So the semis are at...

    12-6 pm, eastern time, saturday, september 6, on CBS.

    For more match times, just see the website under "your source" and all matches shown are EASTERN TIME.

    Good luck :o)

    Hope this helps!

    Have fun watching!!!

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