
What time of day does it rain in Barbados in September?

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We're going to Christ Church, Barbados for our honeymoon September 12th-19th and want to book a catamaran/scuba tour. Should we book the morning/mid-day tour from 9:30 am to 2:30 pm or the evening tour from 3 pm to 7 pm? What time of day is the worst for the rain?




  1. Thats impossible for anyone to say really....The Weather is a very unpredictable science just like bio and chem... its nothing that can be determined by just saying "its gonna rain on Monday at 8:35am" goes WEEKS! without raining here sometimes in Barbados.....then other times it would rain for a week,everyday 11 hrs a day.

    annbsleep - 1) What do you mean by "its a small island so the metrology team aren't great at predicting  the weather? 'Weather' is a raw science which must be converted just like Astronomy, geomorphology and i said its nothing that can be accurately predicted.

    2) Sept is not the end of the hurricane season....Nov 30th is.

  2. The rain could fall at any time since we are in the rainy season.  The hurricane season is from June to November.  My best bet is the morning tour which is from 9:30 to 2:30 pm.  Even when it rains it is not that bad because the sun always comes out.  Enjoy your tour.

  3. Like anywhere, it can rain any time of day and as the island is so small the weather news is not great at predicting showers, which tend to be heavy but short.  September is the end of Hurricane Season (although Barbados is very rarely hit by a serious hurricane, they tend to sweep north or south of the island.  A catamaran and scuba tour is unlikely to be seriously affected by rain, and it is pretty hot even when raining.  Bear in mind the sun sets around 6-6:30pm all year, so if you want to see the sunset the later tour would be best.  It is extremely hot between 12-1pm so if you take the early tour be sure to put on lots of sunblock and take a hat and shades.  Enjoy you honeymoon!

  4. Its difficult to predict what time of the day it will rain.  September however is in the hurricane Season and you can be sure that it will rain at sometime during that month.  

  5. It can rain at any time in Barbados but although showers maybe heavy.  They rarely last more than a few minutes unless there is some unseasonal weather systems effecting the island.  As the local saying goes Barbados records over 3000 hours of sunshine per year so it is well worth the risk.  You'd have to have pretty bad luck to hit all rain you know.   :-)

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