
What time of day is there the least amount of traffic?

by  |  earlier

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...where there is the least amount of people on the road...I was thinking Sunday in the mourning because of church. Any info would be helpful.




  1. I think you are right.  Saturdays are hectic as most of the population seem to come out for shopping on top of the normal people going to work or working using streets.  Sunday pro bally is the best in early morning and then next best is after three o clock after everyone is out of church and out of the after church go out to eat crowd.

  2. Before 8:30am on Sunday is good because you are traveling before the last-minute church bunch get on the road.  If you are traveling during the week, the best times are 10 am and then 2 pm.  At 10 am you are through with the morning rush and at 2 pm you have just missed the lunch rush.

  3. in erie pa. sunday mornings are pretty light the afternoon gets really busy.

  4. Driving at night after 10:00 p.m. is a good time.

  5. Usually between midnite & 5am any day of the week since most people are in bed at that time or getting motivated to go to work/home.  Sundays are pretty dead up until the church crowd gets moving. Hope I helped!!

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