
What time of the day do you come alive?

by  |  earlier

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First thing in the morning, last thing at night or somewhere in between?

Don't know why folks but I'm still at work and absolutely buzzing, feel great!!

Cheers for answering, best wishes to you all.




  1. about an hour after rising and an hour before going to sleep,but it does sometimes over lap,especially if you have a head full of everything..wheres my coffee..

  2. As soon as I see the face that I love in the morning I come alive, then after I've stopped looking in the mirror I look at my husband.  ;-)))

  3. I must have vampire in me as I come alive always late at night and feel energized then..........but am feeling good today also, just having a cappuccino gets me buzzing.....maybe keeps me awake also..........

  4. i"m normally a night person wrighty, i seem to come alive after about

  5. 12 pm when l hold "Philkillen" in my arms.

  6. About 12 midday, I'm not a morning person at all...

  7. I have been something of a "night owl" for several years now....I do usually seem to come alive late at night.

  8. during lunch in skl

  9. I come alive when my 2 year old son comes bounding into my bedroom...and jumps all over me...I have no choice but to come alive..even if it is 5:45am.

  10. im a like a zombie until i've had caffeine

  11. guess it depends on the dream I had the night

  12. last thing at night :)

  13. anytime I guess really depends who's around me at the time normally after a couple off drinks and some good music  

  14. I normally come alive in the early hours of the morning.

  15. 11pm when i listen to my ipod and get pumped on the positive energy which sets me up for the next day

  16. 5:30 am after two cuppas.


  17. midnight.  

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